Category Archives: Advertising Design
Ownership of Copyright Artwork

Yes, pretty pictures attract attention, but graphics alone, do not sell products or services. Effective advertising is a combination of creative graphics, quality photography, motivational ad copy, and timely placement in select media to a targeted audience, all developed and implemented under the umbrella of an integrated marketing strategy. In…
Is your Advertising Collateral Effective?

Every successful business, organization and marketing campaign relies on some form of print support material to communicate their message. Be it a product catalog, a service brochure, informational pamphlet or a political campaign flier. All collateral is created to perform the same function; to inform, educate, and motivate the recipient…
Building a Great Print Ad
Ad Creativity

Creativity is a God given talent… not possessed by everyone. Creativity in Advertising and Marketing has produced phenomenal sales results and launched many companies. But it is not understood or embraced by all marketers. Advertising Creativity can be stymied by naïve or reluctant business management because they just do not…