In spite of past predictions by some… today, print media is alive and well. Over a decade ago a former client predicted, that within ten years, all printers would be out of business and magazines would no longer exist. He claimed that the new digital media would take over, and…

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Marketing a new product

“Build a better mousetrap and the World will beat a path to your door”, so the old saying goes. If it were only that easy… there is more to it than just coming up with a product idea. It’s called MARKETING! While many new ideas may have merit, the path…

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How to Design a Great Catalog

Whether you are selling, on-line, direct to end users, or through distributors and retailers, an impressive catalog is indispensable in presenting your products and making sales. A Good Catalog is not just a list of items, but a user-friendly organized classified directory. A Great Catalog is more than that! It…

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Using FREE in advertising

If you have been to a Harbor Freight outlet lately you will most likely experience long lines at the cash registers just about any time of the day. Why, even in economic downfalls, when retail sale are down, are customers breaking down the doors at Harbor Freight? The answer is…

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Marketing to Graybeards

It is interesting to note that with the current Internet marketing frenzy of websites, email promotions and Social Media, that a large marketing segment is being overlooked. Today, when Millennia’s would rather text than talk, Social Media and On-Line shopping have emerged as the contemporary phenomenon to shop and buy.…

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Building a Great Print Ad

Creating a great print ad is not just assembling a layout with a headline, photo, some copy and a logo, but is an orchestrated sequence of factors and functions designed to meet a strategic objective. Building an ad is like building a house. First you have to determine the location,…

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