Marketing a new product

“Build a better mousetrap and the World will beat a path to your door”, so the old saying goes. If it were only that easy… there is more to it than just coming up with a product idea. It’s called MARKETING! While many new ideas may have merit, the path…

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Designing Training Manuals and Course Promotion

Study material, manuals and workbooks can make the training course a success or render it lack-luster. More important, the enrollment campaign can fill the classroom with students, or result in weak participation. While many organizations and/or instructors produce their own collateral material and student solicitation efforts, the expertise of a…

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Marketing Consultant, Hired Gun

In the old west the Sheriff would call in outside professional help when needed. These “Hired Guns” were professionals, brought in to bolstered their law enforcement by providing their special abilities and talents to resolve local problems. Today, business owners are doing the same, by bringing outside professional Marketing Consultants…

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