Author Archives: smisek_admin
Building a Great Print Ad
It wasn’t the Rock
Marketing Consultant, Hired Gun
In the old west the Sheriff would call in outside professional help when needed. These “Hired Guns” were professionals, brought in to bolstered their law enforcement by providing their special abilities and talents to resolve local problems. Today, business owners are doing the same, by bringing outside professional Marketing Consultants…
Advertising is a lot like fishing.
Why businesses fail
Outside objectivity in marketing
Target Marketing
In today’s political climate, anything related to guns or gun ownership will stir emotions and debate from both sides of the issue. However, the terms “rifle,” “shotgun” and “target marketing” are widely accepted terms in the marketing field and have been for many years. These terms best describe two marketing…
Ad Creativity
Creativity is a God given talent… not possessed by everyone. Creativity in Advertising and Marketing has produced phenomenal sales results and launched many companies. But it is not understood or embraced by all marketers. Advertising Creativity can be stymied by naïve or reluctant business management because they just do not…
Marketing Analysis Consultation
A consultation with a marketing professional is essential before the creation or production of advertising materials a commitment of media, or proposing a cost for promotional campaign. For businesses who have an on-going advertising campaign, a Marketing Analysis provides an outside objective evaluation which can offer alternative suggestions, improve…