In spite of past predictions by some… today, print media is alive and well. Over a decade ago a former client predicted, that within ten years, all printers would be out of business and magazines would no longer exist. He claimed that the new digital media would take over, and…

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It is time for your annual business checkup.

You probably get a Physical Check Up and Medical Consultation at least once a year just to make sure you are healthy and to address any medical concerns. Your business needs a regular checkup as well. Whether your marketing program is managed by a big-name Advertising Agency, a Freelance Graphic…

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Setting up and Managing an In-house Ad Agency

Today some businesses are considering, or have decided, to do their own advertising internally, rather than hire an outside professional firm. The two major reasons are, cost and control, with cost being the most dominant factor. It is easy to justify lower costs when you are looking at employee wages…

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What is Guerrilla Marketing?

The dictionary defines it as; Innovative, unconventional, and low-cost marketing techniques aimed at obtaining maximum exposure for products and services. These alternative advertising tactics can work in place of, or in conjunction with major marketing campaigns and have proven extremely effective for small and medium sized marketers. Guerrilla Marketing relies…

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Fighting Fire with Education

We who live in the canyons and foothills of California are constantly concerned about the threat of wildfires. After the devastating 2007 Santiago Fire, which destroyed ten homes, our local Fire Safe Council mobilized a multi-faceted fire prevention program through education and events. Our objective was to inform and motivate…

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Marketing to Graybeards

It is interesting to note that with the current Internet marketing frenzy of websites, email promotions and Social Media, that a large marketing segment is being overlooked. Today, when Millennia’s would rather text than talk, Social Media and On-Line shopping have emerged as the contemporary phenomenon to shop and buy.…

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Marketing Consultant, Hired Gun

In the old west the Sheriff would call in outside professional help when needed. These “Hired Guns” were professionals, brought in to bolstered their law enforcement by providing their special abilities and talents to resolve local problems. Today, business owners are doing the same, by bringing outside professional Marketing Consultants…

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Why businesses fail

Thousands of new businesses are started every week. Ninety percent of those businesses will fail within the first two years. The primary reason is lack of capitalization. The second reason is poor management. Actually the two go together. If you don’t have the money in the first place you are…

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